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Cashless Bail Explained

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What is Cashless Bail?

Cashless bail is a widely debated topic. Several states have passed laws that allow for cashless bail. Many of these states have seen drastic spikes in crime, leading to speculation over whether or not cashless bail policies have had a direct impact on crime increases. This review takes a closer look at cashless bail, providing more information on what it is exactly, the pros and cons of cashless bail policies, and how future elections can impact its prevalence.

Cashless Bail Explained

The purpose of cash bail is to help ensure the arrested individual returns for their court date. The cash bail amount is held as a deposit. In most cases, the defendant is not obligated to pay the full amount of their bail unless they miss their court date. This ensures their return to court as they would otherwise be liable for a significant amount of money if they missed it.

Cashless bail involves the release of an arrested individual without them having to pay any financial amount. This often leads to the release of the individual without any restrictions or added incentive to show up for their court date. For more egregious crimes, an electronic monitor may be used to help minimize the risk of flight.

The Pros and Cons of Cashless Bail

Of course, the most notable benefit of cashless bail is that it makes it more affordable for more defendants to be released. However, this benefit certainly comes at a cost. Notably, it erodes public confidence in the judicial system as many fear defendants who are seemingly released without consequence (due to cashless bail) are more likely to commit another crime. As mentioned, in many states, there is also a correlation between cashless bail policies and crime spikes by individuals who are out on bond.

Additionally, As Judge Mark Saltarelli states, who presides in the city of Tonawanda, NY,  “If we release a defendant that we believe should not be released and they go and do something, the first person that gets blamed is the judge.” Subsequently, an expansion of cashless bail could lead to fewer defendants being provided the opportunity for bail at all, particularly if the judge views them as a flight risk or a risk to commit another crime while they are awaiting their court date.

This directly impacts individuals with whom cashless bail is designed to help — the defendants — as it may lead to more defendants being denied bail. Saltarelli also fears that there will be an increased strain placed upon probation and law enforcement agencies as they take on the responsibility of ensuring the appearance of defendants who miss their court dates.

What The 2022 Midterm Elections Mean for Cashless Bail

The issue of cashless bail is a political issue that directly affects millions of Americans. Thus far, cashless bail has only been passed by a handful of certain states (i.e. New York, New Jersey). However, it has not been seriously considered on the federal level. Subsequently, state elections may have more of an impact as to whether or not cashless bail is passed than federal congressional and senate elections. Given the recent criticism of cashless bail policies, states such as Connecticut are not likely to pass cashless bail in 2023 or anytime in the near future.

Call The Connecticut Bail Bond Pros at 3-D Bail Bonds

3-D Bail Bonds provides fast and reliable bond services for individuals (and their loved ones) who are arrested within Connecticut. We have bondsmen all across the state that are ready to answer your call and ensure your loved one is released as quickly as possible after their bond hearing. If you have any questions related to bail bonds and are in need of service, we are here to help. Call us now for fast answers and service.

3-D Bail Bonds, Inc.

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3-D Bail Bonds, Inc.

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